Miss Capricious

Definition of capricious
[Oxford Mini Dictionary] Having sudden changes of mood.
[Astrology] Loyal, dependable, industrious, determined, meticulous, austere, shrewd, practical.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


2007年是个好年: 可爱的小侄儿出世了; 我的事业也有些小成就。

我曾在一本杂志上读到: "The moment you lay eyes on a baby, it'll be love at first sight. And with each passing day, you'll find yourself falling in love again with every little thing the child does." 有意思。

能够在小侄儿第一年的成长过程中担任了一些小小的角色, 让我感到欣慰。 家人给他取了个好名; 我们都爱叫他小名"磊磊"。

在这一年里,从他婴儿时期到学会翻身,打滚,爬,坐和抓东西, 我都一一的目睹了。 母亲也细心的纪录下他每一天的小小进展。 有时工作忙, 一段时间没见面,就会担心他是否还认得我。 但次次看到我时, 不管多久没见面, 可爱的侄儿都会手舞足蹈, 笑着欢迎我回家来。 工作再忙, 身体再累, 一看到磊磊就觉得精神十足。 磊磊让我察觉到人类不但学习能力强,他那纯洁的心也能给其他人带来许多欢乐。

2007年底也刚好是我在外工作当专业人士满两年的时期。 入江湖闯职途已两年了, 朋友都问为什么没打算进修。 不是没打算,而是还不晓得该朝哪个方向进行进修计划。其实,所谓 “Working life is the University of Life", 在这两年内学到的东西也不少。 待人处事的知识, 人际关系的知识,怎么为自己为亲人负责, 怎么为将来做打算等种种知识-- 我想,都是些在校园课本内学不到的东西。 所以,我天天在进修,天天在学习。

此时此刻, 我希望在2008年里也能继续努力, 活的更精彩!


Thursday, January 17, 2008

MacBook Air unveiled!

Technology is advancing faster than my pay.
The recent launch of MacBook Air is evidence to it.

When iPhone was released, I longed for it.
When iMac was born, I wanted it.
Now the lean and sleek Mac Air is an even bigger temptation to me.

But thus far, I have yet to own an Apple product :(
My recent obsession with Apple does not stem from a need, but more as an enhancement to lifestyle. And why not, when Apple products serve as a wonderful alternative in user experience to the ubiquitous Windows.

MacBook Air Specs
  • 13.3 inch LED-backlit glossy widescreen display
  • weighs about 3 pounds,
  • sports a thickness of 0.16-0.76 inches,
  • 12.8 inches wide and 8.95 inches deep,
  • built-in iSight webcam,
  • powered by Intel Core 2 Duo,
  • multi-touch gestures recognition (likes of iPhone / iTouch),
  • fits nicely into a brown office envelope, believe or not!
This slim little gadget will definitely kick-start the ultra portable-laptop market. I wonder what's next in line??
